Solid High Top Roof
Solid High Top Roof
If you would prefer a high top roof instead of an elevating roof on your campervan, then with our Tiree, Cromarty and Taransay conversions this isn’t a problem.
Adding a high top roof to our Sanna camper van would simply turn it into our Jura layout – so if you’re looking for a high top Sanna then please take a look at our Jura conversion.

As Volkswagen do not manufacture the short wheel base T6.1 with the option of fixed high top roof then for our Tiree and Taransay camper vans we source and fit ourselves a fibreglass high top roof from German manufacturer, Reimo.
The Reimo high top roofs are available in two different heights;
- Ergoline – internal headheight of 203cm and external vehicle height of 261cm
- Sportline – internal headheight of 185cm and external vehicle height of 238cm
For our Cromarty camper van we would order the van straight from the VW factory with the high top roof already fitted during manufacture.
There are of course pro’s and con’s to consider with a solid high top roof.
On the con’s side;
- Decreased flexibility in accessing places with limited vehicle height clearance (vehicle overall height 2.4m to 2.6m depending on your choice of roof).
- Restricted internal head room which means that a roof bed is only suitable for small children.
- Small increase in fuel consumption due to the greater air drag of the vehicle roof.
- Small upper level windows restrict the view and airflow, whereas the large zip opening panels in the elevating roof canvas sides give lots of light, free flow of air and great views on a summer’s day!
On the pro’s side you will gain from;
- Better insulation properties than the canvas sides elevating roof – so warmer in winter and cooler in summer.
- Extra storage space above the driver’s cab and then depending on the interior layout, also either over the rear seat or along the rear upper sides.
- No hassle of an elevating roof to put up and down, and a permanent internal headheight of either 203cm or 185cm depending upon your choice of roof.