Employee Ownership Association
About The Employee Ownership Association
The Employee Ownership Association (EOA) represents organisations which are employee owned or transitioning to employee ownership across the UK – at Jerba Campervans we have been a proud member since 2019.
Most businesses that are moving into employee ownership or want to maximise the success of their employee owned business are Members of the EOA – membership levels have increased significantly in recent years.
The EOA is a not for profit and politically independent organisation that works in close partnership with its members to champion, promote and provide insight into the business case for employee ownership. Members benefit from unique learning, networking and trading opportunities across the network of diverse companies of all sizes and sectors.
The EOA is uniquely influential, on behalf of members, with policy makers, the media, Government and a range of other audiences. Our independent campaigning has won us the support of all three main political parties and it has played a key role over the years in shaping the tax and legal environment for employee owned businesses. Most recently their successful campaigning has led to the announcement from HM Treasury of £75m in tax relief to support the growth of employee owned companies.
Founded in 1979 by journalist Robert Oakeshott and originally called Job Ownership Ltd (JOL) it was established with the help of companies such as the John Lewis Partnership and international polymers manufacturer Scott Bader. Founder Robert Oakeshott’s book ‘Jobs and Fairness’ is acknowledged as the definitive study on employee ownership in the UK and overseas.
Since the publication of the Ownership Dividend in 2018, which revealed the significant dividend to be achieved by more employee ownership in the economy, the Employee Ownership Association (EOA) has campaigned for greater political interest, endorsement and support from all political parties.
There has never been a better time to join the growing membership of the EOA as businesses across a wide range of sectors, sizes and geography realise the benefits and opportunities that employee ownership can bring.
A National Strategy for Employee Ownership
Evidence shows that increasing the current level of employee ownership in the UK will deliver greater economic impact for individuals, businesses and regional economies.
This evidence is accompanied by the need to spread ownership in the economy to prepare for the inevitable impact of greater automation and artificial intelligence on the jobs of significant parts of the workforce.
To realise these benefits, the UK must develop a national, bipartisan strategy with related policy interventions to increase the current levels of employee ownership that can complement the priorities of any future Government.